Days Of Blues
Life Post Amesterdam
sexta-feira, 16 de junho de 2017
2 weekends ago i was in AMESTERDAM and i must say that coming back to reality hasn't been easy this time. I miss the hot days (we had a 33 degree kind of day on Sunday), i miss sitting by the canals, i miss the freedom you can feel in every corner of the city, the history, i miss... I kind of feel like i am unable to function after this trip. Days at work seem to drag (12 hours feel like years). I feel numb and i am starting to think that is less because i miss Amesterdam, and more the fact that i don't like where my life is at this moment.
But enough of being dramatic (drama queen is my title - i have blue blood) and let's get back on the horse peeps!
When kids start calling you ma'am/lady
quarta-feira, 14 de junho de 2017
The other day (like a month ago-when i was back home) my mom told me to get my sister from school. Being very punctual i got there 15 mins before time and had time to observe what kids are up to these days (no changes there - kids are still kids; boys still think they hate girls; girls still try to act cool ignoring the boys)
While doing this i heard someone calling from the other side of the fence: hey lady! Ma'am! Can you please pass the football? It's under your car!
Was he really talking to me? I mean he is looking in my direction... so it must be me! I have to say i felt almost offended! Why ia a kid calling me lady? Just the other day i was on that side of the fence! Pretending I didn't care about boys. And then it hits you: Just the other day was 8 years ago! You are not 18 anymore lady! You are 25 nearly 26 - you are a lady indeed!
Where is the time going?
Ps: I didn't give him his football back. I ignored him-I don't like people that make me feel old! (I know I am going to hell)
Ps2: That is not actually me; well it is - Snapchat filter!
4 things that piss me off about flights
terça-feira, 11 de abril de 2017
Living away from home it's hard and one thing that makes it even harder are the flight you have to take to get from one place to the other. Don't get me wrong: flights can be nice but, in most cases, they are not. I have to say that I only travel low cost so that might be the reason why I hate it so much. One way or the other here are my top 4 reason why I hate to flight:
4 games i am addicted to - phone edition
segunda-feira, 3 de abril de 2017
When you spend a lot of time in public transportation, one of two things may happen - you either start reading (reading a lot) or you download every possible game you can find on your app store. I do a bit of the two, but mostly i download games. Most of them don't survive more than 10 minutes in my phone (as i delete them as soon as i find out how terrible they are) but there is 4 that have been on my phone for quite some time now. This list is about these 4 brave survivors!
Quando passam bastante tempo em transportes públicos, uma de duas coisas podem acontecer: ou começam a ler (a ler muito: livros, revistas, jornais, etc) ou começam a fazer download de todos os jogo que conseguem encontrar na vossa app store. Costumo fazer um pouco dos dois mas verdade seja dita na maior parte das vezes iram encontrar me a fazer download de jogos. A maior parte destes jogos não sobrevivem mais do que 10 minutos no meu telemóvel (visto que os apago assim que realmente vejo o quão terrível eles são). No entanto existem 4 jogos que têm sobrevivido nestes últimos tempos ao meu 'delete'. Esta lista é sobre estes bravos sobreviventes!
3 Must watch TV shows
sexta-feira, 31 de março de 2017
The other week i talked about my love for Youtube. Well part of this love is due to the fact i don't have as many series to watch as i did before. They are either on break (hello game of thrones; still waiting here) or they already finished (4ever) so i found myself in need of new things to watch (i still love you youtube do not worry).
I've asked around: family, boyfriend, friends... and these are the results, these are the series i have been told to watch! Wish me luck!
Na outra semana falei-vos sobre o meu amor pelo youtube. Bem, parte desse amor deve-se ao facto de já não existirem tantas séries que eu veja como existiam antes. Ou bem estão em pausa (olá Game of Thrones, ainda estamos a espera) ou já acabaram (definitivamente) daí esta nova necessidade de encontrar novas coisas para ver (vá youtube eu irei sempre voltar para ti!).
Então fiz a espécie de um inquérito (família, namorado e amigos) e estes são resultados; estas são as séries que me forma aconselhadas pelo grupo em questão. Desejem-me sorte!
When are you old enough?
segunda-feira, 27 de março de 2017
So let me give you a little background about this: last January i decided i wanted a piercing cause i was obsessed with the idea of a nose hoop. People that know me know that once i have something in my mine i have to do it (and i did). Now what i also have to say (and something that you might think is not related) is that i don't live with my parents anymore; actually i live in a completely different country and i only get to see my parents every 2 or 3 months depending on my work.
So like i said i got this piercing last January (oh happy days) and was quite happy with it until last Monday. Last Monday? What happened last Monday you ask? Well i came to visit my parents!